The new school year is upon us and students are both excited and nervous about attending the next grade. Everyone wants to start the year off on the right foot to ensure the best possible outcomes.
But starting a new learning routine can be quite overwhelming, so how can we set students up for success right from the beginning?
1. Build A Routine And Stick To It
Learning to stick to a routine is important in childhood. According to psychologist Dani Kaufman, building routines with your children helps them to feel safe. They know what to expect when they go home, and it provides them with clear boundaries, expectations, and consistency.
So, to ensure your children are off to a great start, build a consistent learning routine with them.
For example, one rule you can establish is to do homework before bedtime. Likewise, you can enroll your child in a math tutoring program to ensure they attend tutoring classes a couple of times a week. This will help them develop positive habits in the long term while also boosting their academic results throughout the year.
Additionally, the routine you build with your child should also include a healthy sleeping schedule.
For your child to succeed, he or she needs between 8 and 10 hours of rest. When students are well-rested, they have the mental clarity they need to focus in class and amass new information. Plus, a good night’s sleep reduces stress and anxiety, so your child will have more peace of mind and a more positive attitude toward attending math classes and school overall.
2. Foster A Positive Attitude Towards Maths
For many students, math can be difficult. Some students struggle with dyscalculia, some with math anxiety, and others with knowledge gaps. Regardless, students who find math to be difficult oftentimes have negative perceptions about math and even more negative perceptions about their capabilities to solve math problems.
It’s important to motivate your child to learn math and help them shift their mindset. Talk to them about math, its importance, and assure them they have what it takes to excel. Whether your child struggles with dyscalculia, math anxiety, or knowledge gaps, math tutors are well trained and equipped to help your child overcome the challenges they face.
Also, math tutors can help students change their perspectives of math by making classes fun, interactive, and engaging. They can also help your child develop an efficient learning style that will help them achieve better academic results and boost their confidence in their math skills.
So, consider enrolling your child in a math tutoring program and trust experts to promote and nurture a passion for math.

3. Create Balance With Extracurricular Activities
Solely attending school and doing homework every day can get boring—fast. To keep your child intellectually stimulated and primed for math class, ensure a healthy balance between schoolwork, family time, and fun activities.
School can become overwhelming for students and they regularly need breaks to wind down for both mental and physical health. Outdoor and creative activities are a good way to achieve that. Likewise, providing more enjoyable learning experiences to your child can have a great impact on their overall well-being and academic success.
As opposed to traditional math classes, math tutoring classes help develop mathematical thinking in a more fun and captivating way, without the rigor of traditional schooling.
For example, at OMC, students can work with a math tutor one on one for undivided attention or attend classes in small groups consisting of a maximum of five students to leverage the benefits of a classroom environment as well.
The relationships between students and their tutors are stronger, enabling kids to talk more openly about their struggles with math and ask questions without the fear of embarrassment.
4. Recap Last Year’s Curriculum
With math being a cumulative subject, falling behind on classes can be extremely detrimental. It’s important to practice consistently and keep your child’s math skills fresh to ensure their new learning routine is off to a smooth start.
During summer, many children go through the so-called summer slide which results in math loss. Ideally, your child can attend a summer math program, but in the absence of that possibility, recapping last year’s curriculum is the best way to move forward in the new school year.
Your child can consolidate their knowledge of math from last year and recap lessons with your help or the help of a math tutor. Solely relying on teachers for the recap is not as effective as many of them don’t even have time for a quick review before diving into the new year’s curriculum.
Ready For The Next Grade?
These quick tips can help you set up your child for success in the new school year.
If you want to make sure your child will achieve even greater academic results than last year, consider working with a math tutor to help them build a healthy learning routine, consolidate their knowledge of math, receive personalized support for their schoolwork throughout the year, and develop a passion for math as well as positive habits in the long run.
OMC math tutors…
Are dedicated experts who help students develop their unique learning styles and reach their full academic potential.
If you want to learn more about how our tutors can help your child have a successful year, please reach out to us for more information!