Veronika Starodub

- American University in Bulgaria 2018-2022
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics (GPA 3.86)
Teaching experience:
I have been working as a tutor since 2017, helping students prepare for the SAT, for tests and exams, and training before math competitions and Olympiads. During this time, I am also working as a teaching assistant in calculus and statistics, where I am responsible for holding weekly tutorial sessions, solving practice sets, preparing students for exams, generating materials for tutorials, and helping students understand the course material.
- AUBG Dean’s List for fall 2019, spring 2020
- Winner of the International Conference of Young Scientists 2018
- 1st place at the Ukrainian National competition of science-research papers 2014 – 2018
- 1st place at the Russian National Geometry Olympiad 2017
- 2nd place at the Iranian Geometry Olympiad 2017
- 2nd place at the Ukrainian National Robotic Olympiad 2017
- Winner of the Mathematical Tournament of Cities 2017
Scientific activity:
- Participation at the International conference “Algebraic and geometric methods of analysis” 2020, “Triangle Conics and Cubics”
- 15th Annual Student Faculty Research Conference “Fellowship of the Mind” 2019, “Triangle lines, cubics, and conics”
- International Conference of Young Scientists 2018 “Excircles and exsphere, also points which are connected with them”.
- Publication at the scientific journal “In the World of Mathematics”, “Line through bases of the altitudes in a triangle” 2017.
Club memberships:
- Vice-president — Mathematical Club “Polygon”, Sept. 2019—present time
- Chief Research Specialist — Mathematical Club “Polygon”, Sept. 2020—present time
- Head of the Marketing Department — ESN AUBG, Jan. 2019—present time
- Member — Investment Management Club, Sept. 2019—present time